Borewell Development
Azzrova Maldives is one of the leading borehole drilling companies in the Maldives. With over 4 years of experience, we have drilled countless water boreholes and wells and have installed number of borehole pumps, building an excellent reputation for providing reliable, trouble-free water supplies. We also provide bore well repair and maintenance services throughout its lifetime. Our Drilling machineries capable to drill up to 80meter deep wells.
Our engineering experience and expertise together with the selection of the best quality borehole equipment and non-corrosive materials goes a long way to ensuring trouble free service for the lifetime of the borehole and keeps maintenance costs down. Our borewell development service includes, Design, borewell drilling, Flushing, Installation of pumps, borewell rehabilitations, Testing and Commissioning.

- Borewell Drilling
- Drawdown Testing
- Water Testing
- Installation of borewell pumps
- Servicing of borewell
- Flushing
- Borewell inspection by underwater camera
- Testing & Commissioning